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Sustainable Arctic and Peripheral Biking Tourism (SUB)


The goal of the SUB project is to develop sustainable business models for bike tourism in cooperation with micro and SME companies. SUB partners see cycling tourism

as an emerging sector that has the potential to promote economic diversification and flexibility in northern regions. The SUB project is coordinated by the Local Federation of East

Lapland. The partner from Finland is Luke. In addition, there are partners from Sweden, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Ireland. The project is funded by the Northern Periphery and Arctic (NPA) program. SUB invites micro and SME companies in the regions to participate in the project with representatives of other key target groups.

SUB implements three goals with the support of the target groups:

- Develop transnational best practices for sustainable cycling activities in the NPA area

- Develop capacity in skills and business models related to entrepreneurship in the field

- Open practices for clustering cooperation that support reaching larger markets

The pillars of sustainable development are cross-cutting for all project activities. For that purpose, a joint sustainable development toolkit is produced, which includes guidance on sustainable investments, creating regional plans and increasing good practices and digital skills. Practical measures include the exchange of experiences regionally and internally, peer learning, a suitable capacity development system, voucher system and international clustering. Through these, the consortium promotes direct benefits for companies.