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Strategy and Code of Conduct



A sustainable future and well-being from renewable natural resources. 


Through research, we create value and solutions for our customers by solving local and global challenges. 

Strategic objectives 

  • Climate smart carbon cycle 

  • Adaptive and resilient bioeconomy 

  • Profitable and responsible primary production 

  • Circular bioeconomy 

Strategic strengths 

  • Competent personnel and motivating organisation 

  • Data-driven solutions 

  • Cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration 

  • Modern research platforms 

Code of Conduct and values

In addition to the strategy, Luke’s work and activities are governed by our Code of Conduct and our values. The Code of Conduct outlines the ethical principles according to which everyone at Luke works. The Code of Conduct thus forms a foundation for all Luke’s operations and describes how we work and treat our personnel, partners and customers. As a research institute, it is extremely important to us that our work is of high quality, ambitious and reliable. Ethical standards of research, the neutrality of research and responsibility are the cornerstones of everything we do.

The principles of the Code of Conduct help us in our everyday work to identify the correct ways to act and to prevent any harmful practices. At Luke, we are firmly committed to acting according to these principles. The Code of Conduct applies to us all, and we expect that not only we but also our partners observe it.


  • Impartiality and impact: Everything we do is based on evidence and creates impact. Our actions are transparent and accessible. 
  • Trust and openness: We are worthy of one another’s trust and respect each other. 
  • Cooperation and respect: We work in close cooperation with each other and our stakeholders. 
  • Courage and enthusiasm: We encourage and inspire each other to be courageous in our discussions and decisions. 
  • Sustainability and responsibility: All our activities are guided by sustainable and ethical principles. 

Gender and equality plan

Luke aims to build an international, diverse, multidisciplinary, equal and equal working community. Luke's equality and non-discrimination plan supports the achievement of these objectives and implements the obligations of equality and non-discrimination legislation.

Luke takes the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account in all its plans and decisions and in their preparation and implementation. The Equality and Equity Plan applies to all Luke employees, and every Luke employee has a responsibility to promote equality and equity in their own working environment.

Luke's gender and equality plan meets the criteria of EU GEP. 


Laatupolitiikka tukee Luken strategiaa ja hyvän toimintatavan periaatteita. Yhteistä laatupolitiikkaa noudatetaan koko Lukessa.

Johto on sitoutunut toiminnan jatkuvaan parantamiseen ja luo edellytykset laatutavoitteiden saavuttamiselle.