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On these pages, you will find information about EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) impact indicators and development indicators for the goals of the National Forestry Strategy. We also open up the statistics describing the development of the bioeconomy in Finland. Some of the information only in Finnish. Some of the information is only in Finnish.

Bioeconomy in numbers

The most up-to-date statistics describing the development of the bioeconomy have been compiled on this website. The Finnish bioeconomy is monitored using five indicators: output, value added, investments, employment and exports.
Puutavaran lastaus kuljetusrekkaan.

The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) indicators 2014-2020

The objectives of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) include the viable production of food, the sustainable management of natural resources, climate actions and balanced regional development. The fulfillment of these objectives is evaluated using various impact indicators.
Kesäinen peltomaisema.