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The Tana Monitoring and Research Group

The Tana Monitoring and Research Group was formally appointed in 2010 based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by Norway and Finland. A revised MoU was signed in December 2017 based on the Agreement between Norway and Finland on the Fisheries in the Tana/Teno Watercourse.

Both the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland and the Ministry of Climate and Environment in Norway appoint two members to the Group. Currently the Group members are, from Finland, Research Professor Jaakko Erkinaro and Research Scientist Panu Orell from Finland, and Research Scientist Morten Falkegård (Chair) and Research Scientist Anders Foldvik from Norway.

The mandate of the MRG is:

  1. Deliver annual reports within given deadlines on the status of the salmon stocks, including trends in stock development.
  2. Evaluate the management of stocks in light of relevant guidelines provided by the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO).
  3. Integrate local and traditional knowledge of the stocks in their evaluations.
  4. Identify gaps in knowledge and give advice on relevant monitoring and research.
  5. Give scientific advice on specific questions from management authorities.

Further information