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Commercial fellings, 7/2022

Published 31.8.2022

In July 2022, a total of 3.2 million cubic metres of roundwood was harvested for industrial use. This removal volume was down 5% from the previous year and 1% from the five-year July average.

  • Sawlog removals were 1.3 million and pulpwood removals 1.9 million cubic metres. Compared with the average in July in the previous five years, sawlog removals were same level and pulpwood removals 2% lower.
  • Industrial roundwood removals from non-industrial private forests were 2.5 million cubic metres, down by 7% from the year before.
  • The felling volume in forest industry companies’ forests and state-owned forests was 0.7 million cubic metres, up by 7% from the year before.
  • Energywood removals totalled 376,000 cubic metres, of which delimbed stems and whole-trees made up 193,000 cubic metres.
  • In January-July, 33.9 million cubic metres of roundwood were harvested for use by the forest industries. This removal volume was down 5% from the previous year and 3% from the five-year average. Compared with the average in the previous five years, sawlog removals were higher 6% and pulpwood removals 9% lower.

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