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Finnish Feed Tables and Nutrient Requirements

Feed Tables and Nutrient Requirements web site provides official Finnish Feed Tables, equations to calculate the feed values and nutrient requirements. The animal species covered include ruminants, pigs, poultry, horses and fur animals.

Finnish Feed Tables

Feed Tables list chemical composition, feed values and concentrations of minerals and amino acids of commonly used feed materials, i.e. reference feeds. The values for a feed material vary in different harvests, years and batches. Thus, it is important to analyse the feeds, particularly forages whose composition is more variable than those of concentrate feeds.

Kaksi kanaa seisomassa pihalla

Luke is responsible for maintaining Feed Tables and feeding recommendations

The aim of feed evaluation work is to describe the relative production potential of a feed as correctly as possible. Balanced feeding promotes the welfare of animals, improves the economic performance of livestock production, and increases nutrient utilization, thus reducing the nutrient load on the environment. Feed values are used e.g., as input data for ration formulation and as a basis for feed pricing.

According to the Feed Act, energy and protein values for feed materials and compound feed must be based on calculation criteria published by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), unless otherwise stated in the European Union legislation. The calculation criteria include equations, constants (such as effective rumen degradability of protein for ruminants) and digestibility coefficients for calculating feed values.

The feed evaluation work at Luke is coordinated by research professor Marketta Rinne and supported by the standing committee for official feed evaluation work, composed of experts in research and administration.

