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Finnish Forest Sector Economic Outlook


The Finnish Forest Sector Economic Outlook (FFSEO) of the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) presents the future outlook in the forest sector. The review is produced once a year in October, and revised estimates are published in the review bulletin in May or June.

In FFSEO, Luke’s specialists analyse the impact of short-term changes in the international operating environment on the production and exports of Finnish forest industry products and, therefore, on the wood market and forestry. The review presents backgrounds and estimates of the export volumes and prices of Finnish forest industry products, production volumes in the forest industries, the felling volumes and prices of roundwood, the development of the labour situation in the forest sector and the profitability of the forest industries and non-industrial private forestry.

An English summary of the key content of the review is also published.

The short-term estimates of the review are used, for example, by forest owners, forest industry companies, forest professionals, educational institutions, banks and municipal officers responsible for the use of forests. Ministries, such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, use the estimates to support political decision-making processes.

The specialist who produce the review are also responsible for the country-specific report on the current state and short-term development of the Finnish forest sector. It needs to be delivered to the UN/UNECE annually.

The review of economic cycles in the forest sector strengthens Luke’s strategic research in terms of the study of interaction between society and the forest sector.