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Luke's Food Vision: In 2040 the food production in FInland will be sustainable, profitable and modern

The Nordic regions will play an increasingly important role in the world's sustainable food production and food security in the future. Finnish food production needs a common direction and a common vision.

We have faith in positive development. Close cooperation, modern technology and data, and production methods that take into account the finite nature of resources and the ability to innovate, will lead to sustainable food production.

What, how and why Finland will produce in 2040?

The Food Vision highlights the challenges and
opportunities related to food production in boreal
ecosystems and presents development tracks to follow in
order to achieve viable, sustainable and future-proof food
production in Finland.
A person standing on a filed with barley in his hands.

The emerging role of Boreal food production

The importance of the northern Boreal regions for the world’s sustainable food production and food security will increase in the future. Drought and erosion caused by climate change threaten large areas of cultivation globally. In the Boreal region, however, climate change is predicted to prolong the growing season and increase already excellent water resources.
Viljanoraita pellolla.

From researchers

Blogs by Luke experts on the future of food production
Blog post
Jyrki Niemi
Graafinen kuva, jossa on ruuan alkutuotantoon liittyviä symboleja