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Markkinaymmärrys puutuotealan kilpailukyvyn edistäjänä

Markkinaymmärrys puutuotealan

This project supports the maintenance of competitiveness of wood product industry by analysing the future possibilities of its current and new markets. In the first work package, Changes in competitiveness are studied for example by analysing the competitiveness of sawmilling industry with the help of statistical data. Particular emphasis is placed outside the traditional export markets, for example on North Africa and Middle East. The markets are also analysed up to year 2020. The second part of the project studies customer preferences. Knowing the needs of the customers and having the ability to project their behaviour in the longer term is a basis for sustainable competitiveness of wood product industry. Thus, this project develops new methods to study customer preferences. In the third work package the results of the other work packages are applied to map the possibilities of e-commerce in wood product industry. On the basis of this, new, effective business models are developed together with company partners. The project as a whole will produce new methods to improve the competitiveness of wood product industry by improving the understanding of customer dynamics and possibilities of new markets.