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Potential of functional diversity for increasing the disturbance resiliency of forests and forest-based socio-ecological systems


Forest disturbances are expected to increase under climate change all over Europe. This presents a risk for climate change mitigation and forest-based economy. FUNPOTENTIAL studies

- drivers and expected changes of forest disturbances in Europe

- how negative effects of disturbances could be mitigated

- economic costs increasing disturbances and policies that could steer more resilient and sustainable forestry.

1. Improved knowledge on the drivers of forest disturbances and factors promoting resilience

2. Forest management options fostering resilience

3. Solutions to balance forest portfolios in sustainable manner

4. Economically efficient policies for climate change mitigation under increasing disturbances


Recent News and Activities

  • 11.2.2022 Advisory board meeting, online
  • 1.10.2021 Postdoc recruited to INRAE: Julien Barrère starting in the INRAE team.  
  • 1.6.2021 Niko Kulha starts as a Postdoc in the Luke team.
  • 18.5.2021 Funpotential’s own kick-off event was held. The whole Funpotential team met for the first time. 
  • 5-6.5.2021 Funpotential participating in Biodiversa program’s official kick-off and clustering event. 
  • 9.4.2021 Luke recruiting a post-doc for Funpotential.
  • 1.4.2021 Official start of the project. 

Funding information:

This research is funded through the BiodivClim ERA-Net Cofund,(joint BiodivERsA Call on “Biodiversity and Climate Change”, 2019-2020) with national co–funding through Academy of Finland (decision no. 344722), ANR (France, project ANR-20-EBI5-0005-03), and Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany, grant no. 16LC2021A)